GIPHY CAPTURE is the best way to create GIFs on your Mac. Simple, powerful, free, and easy enough for pretty much everyone and even a few small mammals.
評分 4.5 (21) · 免費 GIPHY Capture is the best way to create GIFs on your Mac. This free app is simple, powerful, and easy enough for pretty much anyone. CAPTURE INSTANTLY.
評分 2.8 (379) · 免費 · 娛樂 · GIPHY Capture is the best way to create GIFs on your Mac. This free app is simple, powerful, and easy enough for pretty much anyone.
GIPHY CAPTURE is the best way to create GIFs on your Mac. Simple, powerful, free, and easy enough for pretty much everyone and even a few small mammals. CHECK ...
評分 6/10 (5) · 免費 · 多媒體 GIPHY Capture The GIF Maker is a free program only available for Mac, being part of the category Audio & Video. More about GIPHY Capture The GIF Maker.
How to use GIPHY Capture: · 1. Download from the App Store and open GIPHY Capture. · 2. Adjust the size of your GIPHY Capture frame to fit the video or window ...
GIPHY CAPTURE is the best way to create GIFs on your Mac. Simple, powerful, free, and easy enough for pretty much everyone and even a few small mammals.
Giphy, available at, is a dependable online application for quickly finding and converting a collection of photographs or a movie into GIF format.